Monday, August 30, 2010

Commodore: Back with a Vengeance, and a side story on Kingdom Hearts

Folks. I am excited. It seems Commodore, one of the makers of the computers of the early 80s before Microsoft stepped, may be back with a vengeance. The computer maker has announced that it's making a comeback with the old Computer inside a Keyboard made for a new generation.

In addition to newer models for the sleeker, geekier, modern computer whiz, Commodore is even coming out with a new variation of its old C64 model. Destructoid has this to say

The systems may look old on the outside but have enough packed inside to make for a rather serviceable computer. The Commodore PC64 will include an Intel Atom 535 processor with an NVIDIA Ion2 graphics card, 4GB of DDR3 RAM, a terabyte hard disk and a DVD-ROM (with optional Blu-Ray). The system is expected to release in time for the holidays.

Commodore fans. Your time of salvation has come. Everyone else, I suggest you give it a shot.

Here's hoping that these keyboard computers are backwards compatible with oldskool Commodore Programs and allows me to hook up the keyboard to a Television Screen.

And Very late news. For those of you who own a PSP Go, it seems Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep will not be a downloadable game and will be a retail-only game. That is just wrong. What are you thinking SquareEnix? I want a reason to trash my PSP-2000 and go with just PSP Go. I want to GO and you're telling me to STOP. HOW DARE YOU.

Works Cited: Destructoid
You can read more about The Kingdom Hearts story here

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mega Man Online: First Trailer

We all believe that Mega Man Universe is the Mega Man MMO. We thought it would be the Mega Man game to play with others.

Not so fast. Capcom has revealed the trailer of Mega Man Online with help by Neowiz. And Kotaku is the first to report on this trailer.

At least, they do in this teaser trailer for the game, which owes as as much to something like Akira as it does the Blue Bomber. There is of course no gameplay footage to be seen, but if you've ever dreamt of an adult-oriented Mega Man animated feature, then you'd better watch the clip below. Then watch it again.

Mega Man fans will note that the game is throwing together some of the franchise's different series, with both Mega Man and Mega Man X characters squaring off together.

That's right. Let's throw in Mega Man, Roll, Dr Light, Proto Man, Bass, and Dr Wily alongside Iris(Aren't you suppose to be dead?), Alia, and Signas.

Anyway, here's the Trailer.

Works Cited: Kotaku

Monday, August 23, 2010

Was Sony's lead more Luck-based?

Recently, a new Game Overthinker has questioned on how Sony may have got to the top of the hardware charts between 1994-2005. Many reasons why Sony dominated included this

1) During the SNES/Genesis era, game carts were still considered the media used for gaming systems while CDs started to take off for Computers

2) SEGA's attempt to enter the CD market was piss-poor at best.

3) Nintendo made a dick move with Sony on the CD-Rom system, switched over to Phillips, then abandonded it completely.

4) SEGA kept dropping the ball with the Saturn. Especially in America(In Japan, it still held out)

5) Nintendo stuck with Carts for the N64.

6) 3rd Parties left Nintendo and SEGA for Sony when the Playstation came out.

That, along with other events lead to the Playstation domination that started in the late 90s, a time when gaming meant huge epic adventures, gorgeous cut scenes, more M-rated titles, and bishounen mama's boys like Sephiroth. What lead to the PS2's epic domination may have included....

1) DVDs as the main source of media

2) Nintendo jumps onto disc media, but only propriatery media

3) Microsoft's X-Box project gets out of the door almost as bad as SEGA. Halo ironically, bailed them out

4) Games like GTA, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, etc. Basically, Sony continuing to hold onto 3rd party presence.

So what happened? What turned a once-great hardware company into dead last for a majority of this generation? Why did Sony, who got back at Nintendo for ditching them on the CD-Rom, wound up getting clubbed by the same company?

You can watch the Overthinker clip here as MovieBob himself has a look into Sony's past, their success, and their failure.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Going on an 8-Bit Rampage

Grand Theft Auto. It is the game that created the famous "Steal people's cars and do whatever the hell you want with them" gameplay. So awesome that it spawned many different variations, and flavors. Some of em taste like Asphalt. But one person decided to take the oldskool GTA formula, and go wild with it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring to you, the WiiWare-exclusive title: Retro City Rampage

That's right. Nothing like a good GTA-clone if its a) 8-bit b) Over the top c) Borrows elements from Contra, Metal Gear and Bionic Commando and d) Is completely over the top all complete with a story.

If you want to read more about it, check out the link below.

You can ready up more at The official website

Thursday, August 12, 2010

NPD July 2010: Wings of Liberty Edition

Folks. It's August time and we're gonna take a peak at the last month in game sales during Comic-Con time. How well has each system done? Let's find out

July 2010

Wii 253.9K
DS 398.4K
Xbox 360 443.5K
PlayStation 3 214.5K
Playstation Portable 84.0K
PlayStation 2 Unreported

June 2010

Wii 422.5K
DS 510.7K
Xbox 360 451.7K
PlayStation 3 304.8K
Playstation Portable 121.0K
PlayStation 2 Unreported

While the 360 is the only system to remain above 400K, sales overall have dropped big time. The Wii is slightly above the PS3. The PSP is below 100K. It's almost like earlier this year.

And suffice to say, it's gonna be worst for the software. Why? Well, let me show ya.

NCAA Football 2011Electronic Arts360368.0K
NCAA Football 2001Electronic ArtsPS3 298.8K
Crackdown 2Microsoft360208.8K
Super Mario Galaxy 2NintendoWii193.0K
Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4Warner Bros InteractiveDS141.7K
Red Dead RedemptionTake 2360N/A
Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4Warner Bros InteractiveWii
Dragon Quest IXSquareEnixDSN/A
New Super Mario Bros WiiNintendoWiiN/A
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2ActivisionBlizzard360N/A

Overall, sales are down. The 360 version of Red Dead Redemption fell to 7 while the PS3 version fell off the charts. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is still in the Top 4 while the DS version of Lego Harry Potter is in 5th and its Wii version is in 7th. New to the charts is Foozball ala NCAA in the Top 2 charts with Crackdown 2 right behind. Not to rain on anyone's parade, Dragon Quest IX is right behind the Wii version of Lego Harry Potter. Rounding out the Top 10, New Super Mario Bros Wii and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on the 360.

But why are sales down? Is it because the people aren't interested? Or have Starcraft 2 dominated? Word has it that Starcraft 2 sold 721K in North America and more than a Million Worldwide, making it the best selling game of last month. Has the Starcraft craze struck down console gaming that month? And if so, will it give Consoles another kick in the nuts this month? Stay tuned for next month.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Double Troube: Activision and Nintendo

There's trouble in the air and it's not just the end of Chowder. It's Double Trouble

First off, my finger is pointed at Activision. Or rather this article on how to be better than Activision

Today, almost everyone loves EA, thanks to new IPs, but largely because it’s no longer the top dog, nor does it make waves in the press. Instead, the critics cast stones at Activision. Gamers despise Activision because it released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. They also hate the way the publisher treated Infinity Ward, despite the fact that Infinity Ward created Modern Warfare 2. They hate Activision because it teamed with Blizzard, but they still love Blizzard, despite the fact that it has links to Activision. And since these people sit online waiting for Activision to say or do something unsavory (even if it involves announcing another Shrek game), that means journalists have to write plenty of anti-Activision articles to feed to flames. To that, I have this to say:

Leave Activision alone.

How dare you tell me to leave Activision alone. I wanna scream at them because I can just like I did with Electronic Arts(And I still scream at EA like a rabid jackass). And yes, I hate Activision because they are popular and their games are selling compared to Game X. But the ranting goes on

First, I’m willing to bet that the company hasn’t done anything terrible to you, unless you consider releasing some bad games a terrorist act. Second, I’m also willing to bet that the company you work for is about as evil. But here’s the thing about using that word. Evil and business don’t always go together, and you can’t link the two unless you understand how the latter works.

Listen, no one should blame Activision for milking franchises till they dry up. If you truly feel passionate about recycled content and sequels, then you obviously don’t watch movies, TV or listen to music. Never forget that video games are a business, and some publishers don’t bring awful Japanese RPGs to the U.S. so they can sell 6,000 copies.

But I want the Awful Japanese RPG over the genericly good FPS(Unless you have something like Starcraft). And lemme tell you something. We should be more passionate about Original IPs all while they rot on the shelf while we buy and whine about Generic Sequel number 666. That's proof that we care about gaming, by refusing to buy the Original IPs.

And what's worse, these are his suggestions on how to handle Activision

On that note, I have two suggestions for you if you despise Activision.

1. If you hate Activision, stop buying its games. Even better, stop talking about Activision. My car has a dent in the hood, and I forget it exists because I don’t obsess over it every single day of my life.

But I wanna talk about Activision and their evils. We're on a crusade, not a boycott. And I would rather buy the games and whine about it proudly than not buy its games and praise Activision. Got a better suggestion?

2. If you hate Activision, go buy several thousands shares of Activision. Then you can attend investor meetings and scream at Bobby Kotick until you pass out.

A good idea. Unless you consider being tasered at an investor meeting a good idea. Then forget it. I'll stick to being a flaming jackass at Bobby Kotick and sinking lower than him.

And second off, Nintendo's Satoru Iwata has released a Document about the Social Acceptance of Video Games. Due to the size of this, I have created a link to said image

Just click here

Now take alook at that bar and tell me what's wrong? You know what's wrong? WE LOST MOVIES, MUSIC AND TV TO THE CASUALS. That's right. Those kinds of stuff should only be made for us for our little funtimes in our basements. Not to everyone. And we're slowly, but surely, losing video games to the massive audiences. Soon, everyone, even the local Tea Parties, will be enjoying fragging each other in Halo Reach Deathmatches. Imagine your own Grandmother beating the pants off of you in Starcraft II.

Scary isn't it?

Works Cited:
Run DLC Article: Leave Activision Alone by Chris Buffa
Nintendo Annual Report(Link by GoNintendo)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

IGN to knock 80 points off its review scale

Folks, times are changing and it doesn't look good. It seems our buds at IGN will be revamping its review system. This is according to Hillary Goldstein of IGN

I'm referring to our review scale which has, since IGN's inception more than a decade ago, scored games on a 100-point scale. That changes today.

After many long discussions (and really, this has been going on for years), we've decided to alter our review scale. From today forward, we will score games on a 20-point scale (meaning games score will be 7.0 or 7.5 or 8.0, etc.).

This is an outrage to us geeks. Gone will be the day where one point justifies that game a is better than game b. And here's is Hilary's justification to the bastardization of the score system

But more and more the score (with a 100-point scale) has come to define the game, which is not our intention. The score should say, "This game is in the same league as these other games of the same score" and the criticism lives within the text (which we hope you all read) as well as the discussions that occur after the review.

My hope is that by simplifying the score, we open up further debate. The "best" game won't be determined strictly by a tenth of a point (as is the current case with Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead Redemption) but instead by legitimate discussion comparing the quality of two games that are relative equals.

But here's the thing Hilary. We don't want legitimate discussion. We want to flame each other over a stupid review score by a single decimal to determine what game is good and what game is bad. Next thing you'll know, other review sites will be doing the same thing, like Gamespot, or Destructoid....wait. Destructoid does something like that.

Works Cited:
Take a wild guess