Sunday, August 8, 2010

Double Troube: Activision and Nintendo

There's trouble in the air and it's not just the end of Chowder. It's Double Trouble

First off, my finger is pointed at Activision. Or rather this article on how to be better than Activision

Today, almost everyone loves EA, thanks to new IPs, but largely because it’s no longer the top dog, nor does it make waves in the press. Instead, the critics cast stones at Activision. Gamers despise Activision because it released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. They also hate the way the publisher treated Infinity Ward, despite the fact that Infinity Ward created Modern Warfare 2. They hate Activision because it teamed with Blizzard, but they still love Blizzard, despite the fact that it has links to Activision. And since these people sit online waiting for Activision to say or do something unsavory (even if it involves announcing another Shrek game), that means journalists have to write plenty of anti-Activision articles to feed to flames. To that, I have this to say:

Leave Activision alone.

How dare you tell me to leave Activision alone. I wanna scream at them because I can just like I did with Electronic Arts(And I still scream at EA like a rabid jackass). And yes, I hate Activision because they are popular and their games are selling compared to Game X. But the ranting goes on

First, I’m willing to bet that the company hasn’t done anything terrible to you, unless you consider releasing some bad games a terrorist act. Second, I’m also willing to bet that the company you work for is about as evil. But here’s the thing about using that word. Evil and business don’t always go together, and you can’t link the two unless you understand how the latter works.

Listen, no one should blame Activision for milking franchises till they dry up. If you truly feel passionate about recycled content and sequels, then you obviously don’t watch movies, TV or listen to music. Never forget that video games are a business, and some publishers don’t bring awful Japanese RPGs to the U.S. so they can sell 6,000 copies.

But I want the Awful Japanese RPG over the genericly good FPS(Unless you have something like Starcraft). And lemme tell you something. We should be more passionate about Original IPs all while they rot on the shelf while we buy and whine about Generic Sequel number 666. That's proof that we care about gaming, by refusing to buy the Original IPs.

And what's worse, these are his suggestions on how to handle Activision

On that note, I have two suggestions for you if you despise Activision.

1. If you hate Activision, stop buying its games. Even better, stop talking about Activision. My car has a dent in the hood, and I forget it exists because I don’t obsess over it every single day of my life.

But I wanna talk about Activision and their evils. We're on a crusade, not a boycott. And I would rather buy the games and whine about it proudly than not buy its games and praise Activision. Got a better suggestion?

2. If you hate Activision, go buy several thousands shares of Activision. Then you can attend investor meetings and scream at Bobby Kotick until you pass out.

A good idea. Unless you consider being tasered at an investor meeting a good idea. Then forget it. I'll stick to being a flaming jackass at Bobby Kotick and sinking lower than him.

And second off, Nintendo's Satoru Iwata has released a Document about the Social Acceptance of Video Games. Due to the size of this, I have created a link to said image

Just click here

Now take alook at that bar and tell me what's wrong? You know what's wrong? WE LOST MOVIES, MUSIC AND TV TO THE CASUALS. That's right. Those kinds of stuff should only be made for us for our little funtimes in our basements. Not to everyone. And we're slowly, but surely, losing video games to the massive audiences. Soon, everyone, even the local Tea Parties, will be enjoying fragging each other in Halo Reach Deathmatches. Imagine your own Grandmother beating the pants off of you in Starcraft II.

Scary isn't it?

Works Cited:
Run DLC Article: Leave Activision Alone by Chris Buffa
Nintendo Annual Report(Link by GoNintendo)

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