Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good-bye THQ(1989-2013)

In 1989, a company known as Toy Headquarters(THQ for short) started its journey into the video game industry with the NES adaption of Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates.  But effective immedately, THQ is no more.

Yes.  The company responsible for the WWE wrestling games from 1999 to now, along with the Darksiders franchise, Saints Row, Company of Heroes, Homefront, Warhammer 40,000, Red Faction and Destroy All Humans, has gone out of business after filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.  Another company who came to from the old days of video games crumbled.

So what is the fate of the development studios?  Well....

Relic Entertainment: Makers of Company of Heroes and the Warhammer 40K series will go off to SEGA for $26.6 Million

THQ Montreal: Makers of 1666 and Underdog(Two games under development) will go to Ubisoft for $2.5 Million

Evolve, a video game said to be developed by Turtle Rock Studios, will be developed by Take Two Interactive instead for $10.894 Million
Volition: Makers of the Saints Row franchise, will go to Koch Media(Not related to the Koch Brothers) for $22,312,925

The Homefront franchise will go to Crytek for $544,218.

The Metro Franchise will go to Koch Media as well for $5,877,551

And the upcoming South Park title?  Ubisoft will publish the title having acquired it for $3,265,306

As it stands, there are no confirmations on the WWE license and Vigil Games.  Though rumor has it that  Take 2 will acquire the WWE license and Platinum games is looking at Vigil Games, maker of Darksiders.

But with that done, it's time the bell tolls for THQ.  R.I.P.

You can read more about the THQ bankruptcy at Gamerreview

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