Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Double Trouble: Good News/Bad News edition

For today's Double Trouble, I wanna do something interesting. In addition to the good news going on with a certain game, there is also Bad News I want to discuss, that will most likely cause you to pop a blood vessel.

With that out of the way, it's time once again for DOUBLE TROUBLE

First off: Super Mario Galaxy 2. The Good News: In the last game, you needed to get 120 stars in order to play the game again as Mario's brother Luigi. This time, when you complete World 2, you will unlock Luigi much sooner than later. So for those who enjoyed playing with the Green Booger, you get to play with him much sooner. So what happens this time when you get 120 stars? Well when you get the game, you'll find out.

And now some Bad News. It seems this game will not be a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy. In fact, it actually disregards Super Mario Galaxy as an alternative timeline. Does that mean the Mario franchise has a fractured timeline? Or are people overreacting to this news?

And Second off: Marvel vs Capcom 3. The Good News: Capcom has confirmed 4 characters, 2 on each side

For team Capcom: Dante from Devil May Cry slits his wrist as a newcomer while familiar face Felicia from Darkstalkers will make the fanboys drool.

For team Marvel: Large Ham Captain America returns with his trademark Shield while Deadpool enters the scene with the ability to teleport like mad, and bash you with his health bar.

And now the Bad News: For those of you who thought the Tatsunoko vs Capcom control style was bad, Marvel vs Capcom 3 will not only adopt it, but an exchange button will allow you to summon in your partner to do even more dirty damage. This is bad for hardcore Marvel vs Capcom fans simply because it makes the game more accessible and noob-friendly. Because if a game is not extremely complex and hard to understand, it means the game is so hardcore, it will bomb in sales.

And that does it for Double Trouble. But there will be more bad news later on. Tune in.

Works Cited:
Eventhubs. Magazine from GameInformer

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