First off, Nintendo's 3DS. The FCC has released some information on the 3DS. What we have here is an image of what may be the motherboard itself
In addition, word has it that the 3DS will feature a widescreen similar to the PSP, one analog stick like the PSP, a built-in rumble feature, which will cause a sense of realism while the shaking will cause you to drop your $300 device, and a built-in tilt function much like the iPod Touch and the iPhone.
I dunno about you, but I have suspicion that Nintendo sends a team of professional Ninjas into the Sony and Apple buildings to steal their ideas and implement them into their new handheld.
But speaking of Sony, word has it they're coming out with their OWN PSP Successor. The rumors go as followed
1) It is rumored to appear at E3 10 this year. Which means Nintendo and Sony will go at it again with Apple in the background
2) Like the 3DS, it is rumored that the PSP2's development kits are already out
3) Much like the DSi, the PSP2 will feature 2 Cameras. One in the front, one in the back.
4) The system will have a touch screen, but will retain physical buttons
5) Unlike the PSP, the PSP2 may not have any use of Physical Media. Gone will be Discs, Flash Drives and Cartridges. Now if you want new games, all you gotta do is download em. No doubt Comcast will be throttling bandwidth of anyone who does this.
6) The system itself will use a Quadcore Cell Processor, half the Processor power of the PS3.
But this has me suspicious. Now I have this feeling that Nintendo and Sony are forming a secret alliance together. It's as if they are gonna destroy Video Game Capitalism and replacing it with Video Game Socialism. OH NO! NOT THAT! Oh please think of the children that will buy both handhelds instead of going for just one. It means the end of the Console Wars as we know it.
Works Cited:
Image from Engadget
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