First off, Apple has announced that it will be creating a device that will be free of 3D Glasses. That's right, perhaps an iPod that projects in 3D, or perhaps a 3D Projector
Apple has been awarded a U.S. patent for a display system that would allow multiple viewers to see a high-quality 3D image projected on a screen without the need for special glasses, regardless of where they are sitting.
Following the success of 3D films in movie theaters, home electronics manufacturers are hoping that 3D technology will entice consumers to buy new TV sets and Blu-ray players. But entertainment is far from the only field in which 3D can enhance the viewing experience: others include medical diagnostics, flight simulation, air traffic control, battlefield simulation, weather diagnostics, advertising and education, according to Apple's U.S. patent 7,843,449 for a 3D display system, awarded Tuesday.
That's right. You can kiss those Televisions good-bye because we're getting one step closer to embracing Star Trek, Star Wars, Transformers, or, in our lifetime, Power Rangers. And who cares if this is different than the ideal 3D iPod we hoped for. This should go up against Nintendo's 3DS because it has 3D in it, not because of what they can do.
Second off, attention World of Warcraft fans. In less than 3 days, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, the 3rd Expansion to the ever popular World of Warcraft franchise, will finally be in stores. The main antagonist is a cross between Puff the Magic Dragon and Gutsman. AKA: Deathwing
New things included includes new playable races(Goblin, Worgen), new secondary profession(Archaeology), all new areas in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, all new dungeons and raids, and an all new conflict between the Alliance and the Horde.
Meanwhile, as King Varian Wrynn continues his war against the Horde in an effort to finally snuff them out, mounting pressure is up against him thanks to the Tea Party of Azeroth, who is calling for the King to be dethroned and a Capitalistic system installed. Sorry King Wrynn, but your people have spoken and only Capitalism can beat the Horde and Deathwing at the same time, all while causing the working middle class to lose their jobs and take up shelter in Westfall
Finally, it seems VGChartz's daughter site, GamrFeed, is questioning Game Journalism by comparing 3 sties: Joystiq, Kotaku, and Destructoid
Some would call game journalism a kind of enthusiast press, and on many counts I find it hard to disagree with them. Like with other forms of enthusiast press, big gaming sites rely not only on strict gaming news, but also an array of gaming-related stories to flesh out their coverage. Sometimes these related stories fall within acceptable levels. At other times some of the content posted to gaming blogs makes me feel simply terrible for the state of the field.
Jim Sterling, review editor at Destructoid, says that calling game journalism a form of journalism at all is usually incorrect.
“I think calling it ‘journalism’ is wrong most of the time,” Sterling said. “Publishers have way too much power over outlets, the review scoring system is mired in backwards thinking that says anything below a 7/10 is unacceptable, and we have some websites writing purely for Google Trends and not for their readers.”
Now you hold it right there, Mr Sterling. Anything below a 9/10 is what's unacceptable, not anything below a 7/10.
But what disturbs me is the charts that they pull up(Located at the link below). Kotaku has the most Misleading Headlines according to VGCharts, followed by Destructoid and Joystiq. Now I do object to that, because isn't it suppose to be the other way around? And it's not just that, Joystiq also has the least amount of times where they don't cite only official sources. CURSE YOU JOYSTIQ
But there is hope, it seems when it comes to sources listed, Kotaku edges out both Joystiq and Destructoid. They're great, but they're no Fox News. And also, when it comes to posts unrelated to gaming, Kotaku dominates both Joystiq and Destructoid. Still no Fox News. There's more in there, but then again, I'd be comparing all 3 to Fox News.
But let's face it. No matter how much fair and unbalanced bias you put in your Gaming articles, you're never going to get up to Fox News. Hell, you'll be lucky to get up to CNN's point of view. I suggest hiring Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck to do your gaming news for you, except that IGN is more closer to Fox News than the other 3 combined.
Lastly, I'm still miffed at Jim Sterling for giving a positive review to Sonic Colors DS. CURSE YOU STERLING! Oh just you wait Sterling. When I post up my review of Sonic Colors, I will prove to be more fair and balanced that you will ev...wait. I just got this call. I have to be away from the computer for 8-9 days?
This is what I get for slacking off on this Blog
Works Cited
Yahoo News
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