First off, a Game Over to CyWee Z, a knock off of the Wiimote itself made for the PC. The Controller acts as a 3D Mouse and a controller. Plus one can shift it into a gun-like remote. For more on this, we have a YouTube Clip ready to show
Second, a Game Over to Rockstar. According to a complaint filed by the wives of Rockstar employees, Rockstar's working conditions are poor. The article was found on Gamasutra, but we also have information off of Destructroid on this.
Yet and still, there is more to be said of the working conditions that Rockstar San Diego employees have had to suffer. While managing to endure through the trying times, they still were hit with more blows. Again balance is denied, as working conditions worsened with no appreciation. Working harder, longer, faster, yet there was never a guarantee of a bonus nor if there was any earned, when they will be received! Moreover, bonuses could significantly be reduced based on ANYTHING management comes up with, while the employee would have no way to know about it. Thus bringing to light, the current Rockstar management has grown a thirst for power as it enables itself to grow in the Rockstar's structure. Besides bonuses, financial appreciation has lacked in other aspects as well. For four consecutive years, salary raises have not adjusted properly to cover inflation. This is especially unjust to those who significantly contribute to projects. Further than unappreciative, employees are disrespected when lied to as a whole on how Rockstar games does not generate money and as claims of justification for unappreciated employees are made pointing to the deficit, meanwhile the last Grand Theft Auto game made over a billion dollars of revenue. “Over a billion dollars of revenue”, so where is the recognition and appreciation to those of whom, without them, such success would not have been made?
Ya know, something tells me they forced those hours in just all over one bit of junk in one of the GTA DLC Episodes.
Next up, an extra life to SEGA and Platinum games for Bayonetta. Move over Lara Croft. Good-bye Samus Aran, and sorry your limited edition Metroid Prime Trilogy is being discontinued. Bayonetta is the newest bombshell video game woman to hit the gaming industry.
Bayonetta is out on the X-Box 360 and the PS3 from the creator of Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe: Hideki Kamiya and the boys at Platinum games. Many review sites have also praised the game, though the 360 version was praised more than the PS3 version. It's a great game to have, though it's too bad too many 360 and PS3 fans are busy on Modern Warfare 2 to notice this bombshell.
Next up, a Game Over to Sonic the Hedgehog and the guys at Sonic and SEGA All-Star Racing on the Wii. Why? There was word that the Miis would not be playable on the Wii version. Turns out, that was false as the Miis are indeed playable. As if a playable appearance in Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit, Mario Kart, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games wasn't enough. Now these little avatars(Not counting those Smurfs in Avatar) can race against the likes of Sonic, Eggman, Ryo, Alex Kidd, and Mii Glenn Beck.
But folks, if you want to show your true patriotism while playing this game, there is only one Mii you must play as.
That's right Ladies and Gentlemen. Mii Colbert. Based on Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report. He'll prove to the entire SEGA Universe that he is the ultimate patriot when it comes to his All-Star ability of having other Miis lift him up and carry him to the finish line.
And that does it for Extra Life/Game Over. It'll take more than 8 stomps in a row to get this extra life.
Works Cited: Kotaku
Destructoid article
Original letter at Gamasutra
SEGA Nerds
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