Friday, April 6, 2012

Not a fool for EA

I hope you guys liked my April Fools joke I did of Electronic Arts on Sunday. But what isn't foolish for EA is that they are the first video game company to accomplish something.

They managed to get the Worst Company in America title: OVER BANK OF AMERICA! WOOOOOO!

After more than 250,000 votes, Consumerist readers ultimately decided that the type of greed exhibited by EA, which is supposed to be making the world a more fun place, is worse than Bank of America's avarice, which some would argue is the entire point of operating a bank.

To those who might sneer at something as "non-essential" as a video game company winning the Worst Company In America vote: It's that exact kind of attitude that allows people to ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death.

For years, while movies and music became more affordable and publishers piled on bonus content — or multiple modes of delivery — as added value to entice customers to buy, video games have continued to be priced like premium goods.

There have even been numerous accusations that EA and its ilk deliberately hold back game content with the sole intent of charging a fee for it at a later date. It's one thing to support a game with new content that is worth the price. It's another to put out an inferior — and occasionally broken — product with the mindset of "ah, we'll fix it later and make some money for doing so."

New, independent game companies do pop up all the time, but the cost of entering the market has historically been too expensive, making these indie innovators prime targets for acquisition by mega-publishers like EA. Our hope is that the growth of app-based gaming and downloadable games will continue to make it easier for developers to get their products out without the backing of companies that don't care a lick about the people who fork over their cash.

Oh well, Worst Company In America 2012 is officially in the books. All that's left to do is send off the Golden Poo to EA.

Who cares if Bank of America was responsible for crashing our economy. We got a bone to pick with EA for the Mass Effect 3 ending. Speaking of which, I have a feeling they'll botch up the newer ending once this is done.

However, we are not the only ones going after EA and this should have been addressed when it comes to Mass Effect 3 beyond the endings.

According to a GamesIndustry International report, Electronic Arts has become the target of a letter writing campaign by family advocacy groups who are upset with same-sex relationships in several of its games including Mass Effect 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. We reported previously that The Family Research Council and the Florida Family Association (two pro-family religious groups) were urging members to send form letter to Electronic Arts complaining about same-sex relationships in its game.

GamesIndustry International says that EA has been sent thousands of letters and emails protesting these relationship choices in its games and promising boycotts of their various products. The letters have been directed at EA's executive team, creative heads, its board of directors and others. The letters also claim that EA gave in to LGBT groups when they included these kinds of relationships - a charge EA denies.

"Every one of EA's games includes ESRB content descriptors so it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by the content. This isn't about protecting children, it's about political harassment," Jeff Brown, VP of corporate communications told the publication.

"EA has not been pressured by any groups to include LGBT characters in our games. However, we have met with LBGT groups and sponsored industry forums to discuss content and harassment of players in online forums. In short, we do put options for same-sex relationships in our games; we don't tolerate hate speech on our forums," Brown added.

I mean, to heck with the MAss Effect endings. Why aren't we complaining about the addition of LGBT characters? Sooner or later, a woman is gonna go lesbian after witnessing the Mass Effect 3 ending. But when it comes to Mass Effect 3, some people don't mind jumping on board.

We asked Matt Kane, Associate Director of Entertainment Media at GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) about campaigns such as the one Florida Family Association and Family Research Council have been spearheading.

"Anti-LGBT campaigns are falling into a pretty consistent pattern these days, in which messages of hate directed at our allies are met with an overwhelming outpouring of support for our allies in response," Kane noted. "Following Starbucks' announcing public support for marriage equality, 25,000 people signed a "Dump Starbucks" campaign, which in turn inspired more than 600,000 people to sign on to a "Thank Starbucks" campaign.

He continued, "The group 'One Million Moms' tried to have Ellen Degeneres fired from her role as a spokesperson for JC Penny, but the public expressions of support JC Penny received following the Stand Up for Ellen campaign were so numerous that 'One Million Moms' announced they would be 'moving on to other things.' Trying to rally Americans around messages rooted in hate is a losing proposition."

Ya know, that reminds me. I should consider getting myself an Ice Tea at Starbucks. That stuff is always good. NOOO! Starbucks supports LGBT. Supporting Starbucks is evil, just like supporting Coca-Cola and PepsiCola over dropping their support for ALEC is now evil. But I like Starbucks Tazo Ice Tea. The power of Christ compels you No, please. Anything but that.

Oh, where was I?

Anyway, one more thing before I gotta sign out. Valve's Gabe Newell is confirmed to be a Brony.

Considering the EQD Steam group is rollin with 8000+ members, I'm pretty sure a good amount of you have at least some ties to this guy. It has been a rumor filled mystery for a while now when it comes to the status of Gabe Newell and ponies. People have sent emails supposedly from him, professing his love for Rainbow Dash. TF2 regularly drops pony references, though I don't think he has direct control over that. This is the first time he has actually admit to it though! It's about time!

Coming soon, Pony Fortress 2 and Twilight Portals for PC.

Works Cited:
Game Politics
Game Industry
Equestria Daily

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