Saturday, December 15, 2012

A champion has fallen

It's been some time since the Wii U has released in North America, Europe and Japan.  But unfortunately, the focus isn't on the Wii U, it's on its handheld cousin the 3DS.  In Japan, the unthinkable has happened and the PS3 is no longer the king there.

The Nintendo 3DS reached a milestone in Japan as its lifetime sales for the console have now exceeded those of Sony’s PS3.
The PS3 was released in November 2006 in Japan and has since accumulated over 8.7 million units sold. As for the 3DS, that only came out in March 2011 and has now sold over 8.8 million units. At this rapid pace, it could go on to be one of the best selling consoles ever in Japan.

8.8 3DS units over 8.7 PS3 units.  Nintendo isn't just giving the PS Vita a run for its money, but also the PS3.  But that's not the only case.

The original DS is the best selling console in Japan right now with sales over 32 million units. The next best selling console is the PS2 with over 21 million units. Depending on how long Nintendo will support the 3DS, the console might be able to exceed both of these milestones at this rate.

I mean, come on.  That's not fair.  Why did the DS outperform the PS2 in Japan?  That's suppose to be Sony's territory 100%.

But at least the PS2 still sold more than the DS.  Right?  RIGHT?

The Nintendo DS has finally surpassed the PlayStation 2 and is now the best-selling video game platform. The Nintendo DS has sold 153.69 million units, while the PlayStation 2 has sold 153.68 million units. The Nintendo DS outsold the PlayStation 2 globally from the week ending December 8th. Let’s see if it can retain its position as the best-selling platform worldwide.

Ya know, I'm gonna go cry in a corner.  While I do that, keep your eyes peeled on December 17th for Street Fighter X Mega Man at Capcom Unity.  Also, coming soon to every Digital service ever, the Capcom Arcade Cabinet.

Works Cited
Just Push Start
My Nintendo News

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