Friday, May 9, 2014

NPD March 2014: It's back Baby

Before we get into the NPD of March, I have some good news for you.


That's right, folks.  The last time Epic Games game out with an Unreal Tournament was in 2007, and it didn't do well.  So the folks at Epic are gonna try again with Unreal Tournament 2014.  Only this time....It will be free.

And not just Free-to-play.  Free completely.  The only money you'll spend is for the mods that will be for sale on the marketplace.

If you want more information about Unreal Tournament 2014, go to for more information.

Now with that out of the way, here are the Top 10 games of March

At number 10: Minecraft by Mojang and Microsoft for the 360.  RUN!  IT'S A CREEPER!

At number 09: The LEGO Movie Video game by Warner Bros Interactive for the 360, PS3, 3DS, Wii U, XBone, PS4 and Vita.  Right now the best Batman movie game of 2014

At humber 08: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster by SquareEnix for the PS3 and PSVita.  Seymour ain't no Kefka.

At number 07: NBA 2K14 by Take 2 Interactive for the 360, PS3, Xbone, PS4 and PC.  And I don't see Madden on the list.  Oh well

At number 06: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeros by Konami for the 360, PS3, XBone and PS4.  Exactly why did they not do a PC version?

At number 05: Dark Souls II by Namco Bandai for the 360 and PS3.  The PC version is highly recommended

At number 04: Call of Duty: Ghosts by Activision Blizzard for the 360, PS3, XBone, PS4, Wii U and PC.  Not as huge as it use to be

At number 03: South Park: The Stick of Truth by Ubisoft for the 360, PS3 and PC.  Oh my god, they killed Kenny.

At number 02: inFAMOUS Second Son by Sony for the PS4.  Still won't justify buying a shoddy new console with zero backwards compatibility.

And at Number 01: Titanfall by Electronic Arts for the XBone and PC.  Personally, I don't justify paying money for an online-only game when you can play Unreal Tournament 2014 in the future for free.

Software Sales are down 28% this year compared to the same month last year.  Overall retail sales are up 3%.

Meanwhile, it seems that, despite Titanfall doing better than InFAMOUS, the former can't help the XBone keep up with the PS4 even with both systems doing more then 300K.  The Wii U had a small fall from last month at 70K while the 3DS is steady at 159K.

How will Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls stand compared to the competition?  Stay tuned?

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