Monday, October 11, 2010

Extra Life/Game Over: A relic is broken

Folks, this week is Sonic 4 week. Sonic 4 has released on the Wii and iPhone and will also release on the 360 and PS3. But something within me has sparked an outrage, which brings us to the Extra Life/Game Over segment

First off, a Game over to SEGA for breaking the Sonic Cycle. That's right. We look at the Sonic Cycle for Hype and Hope and it gets shattered when it doesn't meet our expectation. It's a religious symbol of the Sonic fan community.

But when SEGA decided to release a good Sonic game on Consoles for once, I got steamed. A Sonic game that is good?

It may not be the be all end all Sonic game that professed enthusiasts like myself have been waiting 15 years for, but Sonic 4 is a fun, frenetic download for fans and newcomers alike. "Game Informer review"

Sonic 4 is short, but sweet and well worth downloading"IGN Review"

It's deserving of your time and your money despite its length. But more importantly, it's deserving of the name 'Sonic The Hedgehog 4'. That was always going to be this game's biggest challenge, but it's succeeded with aplomb"GameRadar

SEGA. What are you doing? You just broke a sacred code of shame. You just wrecked the Sonic Cycle. Now how am I gonna get disappointed at a video game character who looks almost like Mickey Mouse's long lost brother? SEGA, you better mess up Sonic Colors or I will throw a fit bigger than whoever yelled about Final Fantasy XIII on the X-Box 360.

Speaking of Final Fantasy, an Extra Life to SquareEnix for finally causing Final Fantasy to jump the shark. And oh boy. IT's a doozy.

Final Fantasy XIV is in no way, shape, or form ready for commercial release. We suppose there is potential down the line for the experience to improve with patches and tweaks, but that doesn't justify why the game is in such shambles at launch. "GameTralers review"

While there's a lot to consider when building your ideal class, there's far too little interesting structured content to chew on, resulting in an experience that quickly grows tedious and tiresome. "IGN Review"

It's a shame they weren't put to use in a game worthy of the Final Fantasy brand. Certainly, Final Fantasy XIV will improve as features are added, yet the failures go beyond the superficial. Updates may address a multitude of flaws, but "fun" is not a feature that can be added with a simple patch."Gamespot review"

SquareEnix, thank you for filling in a gap that SEGA destroyed. In return, we have forged a new cycle called "The Final Fantasy cycle." The cycle goes like this

1) SquareEnix announces new Final Fantasy: People hype it

2) Final Fantasy gets tons of videos: People hype it to hell as the best game

3) Reviews come out not so good: People swear off of Final Fantasy, till the next announcement

But I'm warning you Square. My bout with SEGA went sour because of Sonic 4. Don't you dare make Final Fantasy XV the best game ever or you will feel my rage. And I guarantee it

Note: All reviews(With the exception of the GameSpot review of Final Fantasy XIV) can be found off of Metacritic

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