Monday, November 2, 2009

Extra Life/Game Over: Of Iwata, DS, Hedgehogs, Zombies, and Ratings

What is Extra Life/Game Over? It's a little segment similar to Stephen Colbert's Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger. I may express an approval(Extra Life) or disapproval(Game Over). Sometimes I may give em an extra life, before turning around and giving them a game over, or vice versa. So here it is, my first Extra Life/Game Over segment.

First up, an extra life to Satoru Iwata, for finally admitting that Wii sales have stalled. Quoting the CEO of Nintendo..

"Wii has stalled," Iwata told a press conference, reports Andriasang. "We were unable to continually release strong software, and let the nice mood cool. We were unable to show a new game to become 'the next thing.' In the game market, once you’ve lost the momentum, it takes time to recover," he offered.

That means less people whining about how Nintendo is killing gaming with the Wii, well despite the fact that there aren't as many hit titles this year as last year, according to him

“So far I have been talking about the market based on the number of units. Now I would like to look at the market in terms of monetary sales volume…We attribute the main reason of worldwide market contraction to the lack of hit titles across the industry in the first half of the year.”

I mean, why buy games like Street Fighter IV, Punch-Out, Wii Sports Resort, ExciteBots, Resident Evil 5 or MadWorld, when you could just pick up Wii Fit like millions of people? The NPD stated so.

Also, an Extra Life to the Nintendo DS, for finally catching up to the PSP in terms of designs. Why do you ask? The DSi is getting a 2nd redesigned called the DSi XL. It's like the DSi, except larger. It's like the transition from PSP-2000 to PSP-3000.

Speaking of which, a Game Over for Sony for their rumored 5th redesign of the PSP with the upcoming PSP-4000. Now it's not the fact that it's their 5th redesign, but it's rather the fact that they chose to stick with the UMD. Earth to Sony, you don't rip gamers off with UMDs. You rip them off with Digital Downloads priced similar to UMDs. You were going great with the PSP-Go. And now you're making a PSP-4000 with UMD support? Shame on you.

Next, a Game Over to Sonic Unleashed, and this one is bad news for Sonic haters, Wii haters, and haters of anything but Shooters and Sport sims. I looked at VGChartz recently and what I saw broke my heart. Overall, Sonic Unleashed sold 2.5 Million across the Wii, PS2, PS3 and 360 with the Wii version at 1.11 million units sold.

This is a walking nightmare, simply because I was one of those who wanted Sonic Next-Gen to outsell Secret Rings because the Wii is too kiddy for a Sonic game, even though the former had a scene where a princess kissed Sonic. The fact that a Sonic game sells best on a Nintendo system is as mindblowing as Mega Man 9 being exclusive in Japan to the Wii itself. I mean what next, a Shadow the Hedgehog sequel that happens to be a Smash Bros Brawl spin-off? That's gonna turn off Sonic and Nintendo fanboys(And Metal Gear fanboys since aliens and Metal Gears don't mix, unlike Aliens and Monsters)

Next, an Extra Life to Rockstar, for announcing an AO-rated Manhunt 2 on PC as a Digital Distributed game. Quoting Game Politics...

The BigDownload notes that Manhunt 2 will be offered via the digital delivery system of Direct2Drive for $29.95. Purchases are limited to those who live in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. While Valve offers a full Rockstar Games collection through its Steam service, no mention of the pending availability of an AO-rated Manhunt 2 game can be found anywhere on their site or within Steam.

Console fans should be ashamed at buying the inferior version of Manhunt 2, simply because the PC version is completely uncensored, regardless of the fact that the game was average at best.

Finally, an extra life to Zombies. Around the time of Halloween last week, SEGA went with tradition and introduced the Curien Mansion from House of the Dead as a track. And finally having been discriminated at by trigger happy gunmen ala Agent G, Leon Kennedy, and members of the Alliance of Azeroth, Zombies are finally getting the respect they deserve, where 2 characters from House of the Dead EX named Zobio and Zobiko, will be playable.

It's been long overdue that Zombies get the respect. Now I demand a light gun game where you play as the Zombie and turn the tables on those crazed gunmen. Justice will be served.*Shakes fist

And that does it for Extra Life/Game Over.

Works Cited:
Games Industry(Iwata)
Nintendo Everything
Game Politics
SEGA Nerds

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